
Beading tools

Started my mini Swarovski crystal bracelet on the 25th of October 2009, after a week of intensive research. But I paused for weeks because of the mixture feeling of anxiousness, worries, fear, negative thoughts and frustration built inside. Even my logic was in question when I made this technical error whilst handling the wire. I have a debt of RM300 to be cleared off! OMG the pressure!

Read somewhere: DUIT is Doa Usaha Istiqamah Tawakal. Interesting.

A couple of weeks back, I even thought of considering other business opportunity. Now with a little bit of confidence, I started all over again, this time with new insight of the potential market and erasure of limitation I once put in front of me.

I must bring the business theory forward or else I'd be wasting my time in lecture halls. With inadequate CSS knowledge learned in Matriculation College, I struggle my way to produce a very simple blog shop. I hate adverts so I don't place any in my online gallery for now.

Funny how what's in our head only 25% true in reality. So trial and error is the answer. I'll be making lost I know it's coming.