Ram Bomjon The Buddha Boy

Watched Discovery Channel last night. The Boy With Divine Powers. Learn about this "Buddha Boy", a young boy who is said to meditate without water and food for days. I have huge respect for him. Oh, his name is Ram Bomjon a.k.a Palden Dorje originated from Ratnapuri village Nepal. Wikipedia did mention he will appears from 18th - 23rd of November 2009 in Gadhi Mai (don't know where). He was last saw in 2008 so I can't wait to hear news about him despite all the controversies.

Ram Bomjon. Don't you find him hot?

He reminds me of Thích Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese monk who burned himself to death to protest against persecution of Buddhists by the Ngô Đình Diệm administration in Saigon (nothing to do with Ram Bomjon).

Thích Quảng Đức (image from masiltour.com)

I read about him few months back. It was quite disturbing at first. You should read more on him.

p/s: I don't remember from where I took Ram's picture. Sorry